Essay, Research Paper: Constitution

American History

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The Constitution and who it belongs To When Thomas Jefferson signed the
Constitution, there was a big reason why he believed it would endure. Having
written the Declaration of Independence based on John Locke's ideas, as well as
playing a large role in the Congress and being President, Jefferson had good
faith in the constitution's structure, the beliefs it was based on, and the
people that would help to back it up. In writing the doctrine, the founding
fathers knew that it must stabilize the current disunity that had been plaguing
the nation since the end of the War, but at the same time not become outdated or
too unrealistic. Thus, one of the methods used to achieve this was the poetic
opening, the preamble. By stating what the constitution was intended to do, it
can remain an important part of government. "In order to form a more
perfect union" reminds us to never settle for less, to strive to be the
best in the world. "Establish justice", that no one person can be
denied a fair trial, and to carry out justice to the furthest extent of the law.
"Insure domestic tranquility", that the nation will be at peace w/one
another, unlike during the Articles of Federation.                
These, as well as the brave men and women who dedicate their lives to carry out
and protect the Constitution. The men and women who serve in the military, ready
to fight and give their lives to protect our nation and right to believe in god.
The countless brave young men who have already died in the battlefield, some
never knowing what's it like to graduate from college, to marry and raise a
family, or to see their sports team win a championship. This is what makes
America such a great country, a proud nation, and why as long as time endures,
the constitution will endure. John Locke would be proud.

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